Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please find research on the following topics ….

1. How role construction (parent roles) affect parental involvement?
2. What are the perceptions of teachers toward parental involvement?

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Subtopics under each topic can be developed – that is fine.

IMPORTANT: All research should be from 2010 and forward.  Nothing older than 2010.  45 citations in total (minimum) …. nothing older than 2010.  Please make sure that if case studies are used, please ensure they are American based studies not foreign. A foreign study may not be applicable to a study which seeks to talk about American schools.

Please avoid anthropomorphism which is giving life to lifeless objects.  Example: The school enrolled the kids … the school cannot enroll the kids, but school personnel can.

Please cite specific examples and avoid complicated words; detailed but succinct writing.  Example: Glenn (2020) stated abc … xyz. 

Please organize the ideas so that they can be followed.

Thanks for your help!

The post Any topic (writer’s choice) first appeared on Quality University Essay.

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