Benchmark On Impact Analysis


1.1     Benchmark – Impact Analysis Part 2   Benchmark – Impact Analysis Part 2: Audit Benchmark – 3.3: Perform requirements analysis to identify and obtain data and evidence in support of cyber law inquiries and incidents. Next, gauge and evaluate your organizations current state of security and protection protocols and mechanisms. Identify gaps, challenges and opportunities for improvement by conducting a thorough audit making sure to: 1.     Identify the industry specific cyber law in relation to inquiries and incidents. 2.     Assess the critical information infrastructure. Determine the configuration of doors, windows, logical controls, data storage and encryption, firewalls, servers, routers, switches, hubs, and so forth to be compliant. 3.     Identify key vulnerabilities points and strengths. Show compliance using a test case (pass/fail requirement). Demonstrate an actual compliance test of server, workstation, etc. that indicates what passes or what doesn’t. 4.     Indicate the legal elements and liability (costs) that the organization may encounter for non-compliance. Place your findings in a report that will be reviewed by the CIO and System Security Authority (SSA). 1.2     Cyber Law Inquiries and Incidents     It is essential that a security professional is able to resolve and respond to cyber law inquiries and incidents while avoiding unnecessary litigation.  In 500-750 words, explain why a legal cyber inquiry into an organization would need to be made and the process that would then be followed (consider the Napster ruling). Within your explanation, make sure to address the following: 1.     Procedures for testing, enforcing, and investigating breaches of policy 2.     Data breach notification laws 3.     The process for an incident response to a ransomware event 4.     The laws and regulations will often define sensitive or protected data and the reporting requirements in the case of a data breach. Failure to follow the prescribed process can often result in fines or other penalties. From the Christian worldview, which one should be considered first: protecting privacy or complying with the laws and regulations? Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

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Benchmark – Impact Analysis Part 2: Audit

Benchmark – 3.3: Perform requirements analysis to identify and obtain data and evidence in support of cyber law inquiries and incidents.

Next, gauge and evaluate your organizations current state of security and protection protocols and mechanisms. Identify gaps, challenges and opportunities for improvement by conducting a thorough audit making sure to:

  1. Identify the industry specific cyber law in relation to inquiries and incidents.
  2. Assess the critical information infrastructure. Determine the configuration of doors, windows, logical controls, data storage and encryption, firewalls, servers, routers, switches, hubs, and so forth to be compliant.
  3. Identify key vulnerabilities points and strengths. Show compliance using a test case (pass/fail requirement). Demonstrate an actual compliance test of server, workstation, etc. that indicates what passes or what doesn’t.
  4. Indicate the legal elements and liability (costs) that the organization may encounter for non-compliance.

Place your findings in a report that will be reviewed by the CIO and System Security Authority (SSA).

Performance Level Ratings

Meets Expectations


Performance consistently met expectations in all essential areas of the assignment criteria, at times possibly exceeding expectations, and the quality of work overall was very good. The most critical goals were met.
Near Expectations


Performance did not consistently meet expectations. Performance failed to meet expectations in one or more essential areas of the assignment criteria, one or more of the most critical goals were not met.
Below Expectations


Performance was consistently below expectations in most essential areas of the assignment criteria, reasonable progress toward critical goals was not made. Significant improvement is needed in one or more important areas.


Criteria Below Expectations


Near Expectations


Meets Expectations


Benchmark – 3.3: Perform requirements analysis to identify and obtain data and evidence in support of cyber law inquiries and incidents.
The student accurately identifies the industry specific cyber law in relation to inquiries and incidents. 0 pts –  9 pts 10 pts – 14 pts 15 pts  
The student correctly assesses/analyzes the critical information infrastructure 0 pts –  9 pts 10 pts – 14 pts 15 pts  
The student comprehensively identifies key vulnerabilities points and strengths. 0 pts –  9 pts 10 pts – 14 pts 15 pts  
The student demonstrates compliance using a test case that indicates a pass/fail requirement. 0 pts –  13 pts 14 pts – 19 pts 20 pts  
The student comprehensively presents the legal elements that the organization may encounter for non-compliance. 0 pts –  13 pts 14 pts – 19 pts 20 pts  
The student comprehensively presents the liability (costs) that the organization may encounter for non-compliance. 0 pts –  13 pts 14 pts – 19 pts 20 pts  
Industry standard technical writing is correct and utilized throughout. 0 pts –  9 pts 10 pts – 14 pts 15 pts  
TOTAL       /120
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