Discuss How was this person selected.Final Project: Adult Biopsychosocial Assessment / Case study The biopsychosocial model (abbreviated ”BPS”) is a general model
Final Project: Adult Biopsychosocial Assessment / Case study The biopsychosocial model (abbreviated ”BPS”) is a general model or approach positing that biological, psychological (which entails thoughts, emotions, and behaviors), and social (socio-economical, socio-environmental, and cultural) factors, all play a significant role in human functioning in the context of disease or illness. Indeed, health is best understood in terms of a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors rather than purely in biological terms. Spiritual constructs also affect an individuals disease or illness. This is in contrast to the traditional, reductionist biomedical model of medicine that suggests every disease process can be explained in terms of an underlying deviation from normal function such as a pathogen, genetic or developmental abnormality, or injury. The concept is used in fields such as medicine, nursing, sociology, and particularly in more specialist fields such as psychiatry, health psychology, family therapy, chiropractic, clinical social work, and clinical psychology. The biopsychosocial paradigm is also a technical term for the popular concept of the ”mindbody connection”, which addresses more philosophical arguments between the biopsychosocial and biomedical models. FORMAT for NOTES Look at the example form given in class (or download from Blackboard). Constructing a written case study Demographic Information: Basic demographic information disguised for confidentiality (Ex:. S is a 28 yr. old Caucasian, single mother of 3 children 2 in foster care. She has been living in a womens residential program with her youngest child since August 2013. She has ongoing involvement with substance abuse treatment programs…) Identification of Subject: How was this person selected? Why did you pick them? Using the subjects own words, when possible, why are they agreeable to participating in this assessment? Family and other Significant Relationships during Childhood/Adolescence (attach genogram optional : Discuss where person grew up, household members, abandonment or losses, family strengths/support, family stressors/problems, family mental health and substance abuse history, and other important family risk factors. For instructions on how to make a genogram: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Genogram Educational History: Discuss educational environment (public, private, large, small, etc.), academic abilities, any special education services, grade completed, college or trade school attendance, educational strengths/support, and educational stressors/problems. Occupational/Work History: Discuss occupational/work experience, mention any special circumstances that prevented work, strengths/support, and occupation related stressors/problems. Past Interferences with Global Functioning: Looking at the GAF assessment tool, determine if there have been any past issues that may have interfered with functioning and whether/how they were addressed or overcome. Current: Physical Health/Behavior: Discuss current strengths/supports, stressors/problems, or recent changes to health. Cognitive Functioning: Discuss current strengths/supports, stressors/problems, or recent changes to cognition. Social Relationships: Discuss current strengths/supports, stressors/problems, or recent changes to social relationships. Spiritual/Religious Considerations: Discuss current strengths/supports, stressors/problems, or recent changes. Legal (status, impact, stressors): Discuss any current legal concerns that may be impacting subjects functioning. Current Education If the subject is currently participating in any educational programs, discuss strengths/supports, stressors/problems, or recent changes. Employment/Vocation: Discuss current strengths/supports, stressors/problems, or recent changes. Economic/Financial Status: Discuss current strengths/supports, stressors/problems, or recent changes. Leisure/Recreational: Discuss current strengths/supports, stressors/problems. Personality Assessment Include results and brief summary of personality assessment. (See tools on Bb) Observational Assessment (What You Observe Use MSE): Describe of the subjects appearance and behavior during the assessment period. (Ex: observed behavior, level of cooperation, ability to relate to interviewer, any symptoms or unusual behavior). We will use the SOAP template for Formulation Your Impressions: (This will provide support for your recommendations). The four components of a SOAP note are Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan. The length and focus of each component of a SOAP note vary depending on the specialty; for instance, a medical SOAP note is likely to be much briefer than a psych/social SOAP note. Subjective: This part of your notation should describe your impressions of the subject, as well as the environment of the meeting. For example: David was eager to complete the assessment scale presented to him today. This section should be utilized to report subjective information of significance. Objective: This section is where you will report the measurable and observable information that you obtain during the session (the results of assessment tools used), including behaviors that you observe and planned and unplanned activities that took place during the session. Assessment: This section is where you assess, in descriptive terms, the outcomes or what is discovered during the session.
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