Pediatric Nursing

Examine an ethical dilemma that exists in pediatric settings with a group of your peers. You
will examine the ethical dilemma from two opposing positions and consider ethical principles, conflict between the
principles and the relationship of the ANA Code of Ethics in relation to both positions. You will develop a plan for resolving
the issue (for patient, family and the nurse). You will then present this information in class and engage in a debate format
activity presenting arguments, grounded in scholarly sources, for both positions of your group’s dilemma.
Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

  1. Provides individualized comprehensive care for children and their families with multiple health problems in
    institutions and community care settings from birth through adolescence. (PO 1)
  2. Utilizes critical thinking skills in clinical decision making in the care of pediatric clients. (PO 4)
  3. Utilizes legal, ethical, and professional standards and principles, including those related to child abuse recognition
    and intervention, as a basis for pediatric clinical decision‐making. (PO 6)
  4. Utilize research findings as a basis for nursing interventions in pediatric healthcare settings and the development of
    professional nursing papers. (PO 8)
    Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this
    Total points possible: 100 points
    Preparing the assignment
    Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.
  5. An ethical dilemma with opposing positions will be assigned by your instructor.
  6. Although you may not agree with arguing one of the positions, reflect on your views, respect other perspectives,
    and examine scholarly literature on both positions.
  7. Form a group of 5-6 students.
    • Your group must meet in person a minimum of one time with all members present.
  8. Each student assumes an assigned role:
    a. Moderator
    • Introduces the dilemma and the team’s roles to the class. Asks the three (3) questions alternately to each
    position for debate. Present a plan for resolving the issue (for patient, family and the nurse). Fields
    questions from the class and moderates the debate. Presents concluding remarks after the debate.
    b. Researcher (2)
    • Perform preliminary research on the assigned ethical dilemma. Determines the ethical principles that apply
    to each position, possible conflicts in principles, and components of the ANA Code of Ethics that apply using
    three (3) Provisions. Disseminate information found to all group members.
    c. Pro Debater
    • In the debate activity, the pro debater argues for the “pro” side of the dilemma, and presents why this is
    the correct or most ethical position. Uses the applicable ethical principles, the ANA Code of Ethics, and
    scholarly source to support the position. Discusses possible outcomes of position being argued.
    d. Con Debater
    • In the debate activity, the con debater presents on the “con” side of the dilemma, and presents why this is
    the correct or most ethical position. Uses the applicable ethical principles, the ANA Code of Ethics, and
    scholarly source to support the position. Discusses possible outcomes of position being argued.
    e. Recorder
    • Prepares and submits the Power Point Presentation on behalf of the group. Assist with making notes for
    debaters and assists them during the debate as needed.
    NR328 Pediatric Nursing
    RUA: Ethical Dilemma Assignment Guidelines
    NR328 Ethical DilemmaGuidelines V5.docx Revised: 3/2020
  9. Make a case for both positions and possible outcomes by formulating three (3) questions the moderator will ask
    each side, focusing on the ANA Code of Ethics to support the nurse’s perspective as caring for the patient.
  10. Practice as a group how you will debate this issue, with your moderator serving as the leader.
  11. Make notes for your reference during the debate and be prepared to defend your positions based on your research.
  12. The debate will last no more than 15 minutes.
  13. Use this link to take you directly to the ANA website to access the Code of Ethics. When prompted, choose “No I do
    not wish to register at this time. Take me to the Code now.”
  14. For APA, formatting, or grammar assistance visit the APA Citation and Writing page in the online library.
  15. Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric):
    a. Professionalism -5 points/5%
    • Team members are professionally dressed.
    • Team is introduced and assigned roles are identified prior to starting the debate.
    • Full group participation.
    • Respectful and professional language is used throughout the debate.
    • Adhere to the time limit of 15 minutes for the debate.
    b. Debate -50 points/50%
    • The opposing positions debated are made clear.
    • Argue the issue from a Pro position crediting a supporting scholarly source.
    • Argue the issue from a Con position crediting a supporting scholarly source.
    • Present arguments in a clear and articulate manner.
    • Use appropriate ethical principle(s) to support each position.
    • Consider which, if any, ethical principles are in conflict with the opposing positions.
    • Use three (3) provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics that apply to the ethical dilemma.
    • Discuss possible outcomes of each position being argued.
    • Present a plan for resolving the issue (for patient, family and the nurse).
    c. Post-Debate Discussion – 15 points/15%
    • Elicit questions from the class after the debate.
    • Respond professionally and appropriately to questions from the class and faculty.
    • Include concluding remarks by moderator.

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