primary and secondary sources


In this essay, you will craft a persuasive argument that analyzes both primary and secondary sources. You will synthesize others’ arguments and apply them critically to a primary source, adding your own insight to an ongoing conversation. This will require you to continue practicing your critical reading, thinking, and writing skills. Your aim in this assignment will be to 1) Read, comprehend, and methodically analyze scholarly research; 2) Use that research to interrogate and better comprehend a primary source; and 3) Craft an argument that can be positioned within a scholarly debate.     Your task: Write a persuasive analysis of the primary source, Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened, as it relates to the two academic articles we read, “Evaluation of the impact of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games” and “Does a small community (town) benefit from an international event?” While you should prioritize these scholarly secondary sources, you may also use the two popular articles we read—Coscarelli and Ryzik’s article in The New York Times and Livingstone’s article in The New Republic.  Your goal is to synthesize these disparate secondary sources and use them to gain a better critical understanding of the film. You could, for example, identify and discuss the film’s central mission and assumptions as contrasted to the missions and assumptions of the secondary sources. What does each source want you to believe? Where do they agree and where do they disagree? Then, enter this conversation yourself. This should form your thesis: a claim of your own that positions you in relation to the arguments you have analyzed. Your persuasive thesis must relate to the primary source and it must thoroughly engage with at least one of the two scholarly secondary sources.  You may also use any of the other three secondary sources, but that is not required for this essay. Specific Requirements Your paper should: ·      Articulate and develop a clear and compelling thesis; ·      Analyze the film we watched in class in relation to at least one of the related scholarly secondary sources we read; ·      Use a clear, precise, and active prose style; ·      Use quotation effectively to support claims and engage directly with sources; ·      Include a title that reflects the spirit and scope of your paper; ·      Adhere to MLA style; ·      Be 4-5 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman typeface).   By “analysis,” I do not mean summary. Nor do I mean a mechanical listing of rhetorical appeals (i.e., logos, pathos, ethos.) Rather, I want you to investigate and think critically about these arguments, identifying, explaining, and responding to their strengths and weaknesses. I expect you to go beyond merely agreeing or disagreeing with these sources, but rather to use those sources to say something new, something these sources have not already said. The general idea is to acknowledge existing research but also to contribute something new to the conversation. Back up your claims with evidence from the primary and secondary sources in the form of direct quotation. Remember that evidence never speaks for itself; you must analyze the textual evidence that supports your thesis, making connections, interpreting ambiguities, and drawing out implications as you explain how and why your evidence and logic back up your claim. A few tips and reminders:        Be sure your thesis offers a concise and clear argument Grammar, style, and organizational coherence count Formatting and MLA in-text citations count (you will need a Works Cited list of the primary and secondary sources)        Be concise Your intended audience is a general academic audience, diverse in religious, cultural, and political affiliations (you are not just writing to me or to your classmates) Upload to Canvas as a .doc or .docx file by the due date

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