SCRIP Assessment Instructions

EDUC 640

SCRIP Assessment Instructions

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1. Social Responsibility Essay (150–200 words)

a. Discuss the social responsibility of yourself as an educator.

2. Reflection Essay (150–200 words)

a. Reflect on the key aspects of educational philosophy discussed throughout this course.

3. Professional Integrity Competence and Integrity Essay (150–200 words)

a. Identify and discuss key standards of integrity and competence as an educator.

4. Personal Professional Development Plan of Action (Professionalism) (150–200 words)

a. In outline or paragraph format, identify a personal leadership plan that includes participation in a variety of educational forums and organizations.

All 4 components must be answered, with headings separating each of the 5 components. Include a title page and format the document according to current APA style. The title page and any sources are not included in your total word count.

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