The Tell-Tale Heart

You will choose from one of the previous short writing assignments or discussion questions, expanding your writing into a formal analytical essay of three FULL pages ( you may use some of your own previous writing), with a separate 4th page for your Works Cited entries. You must write in standard essay style, with a clear thesis, body paragraphs, a clear conclusion, and a Works Cited page. The assignment should be supported by the literature (additional quotes from the main text or texts). The paper should be three (3) FULL pages in length with an additional Works Cited page. Use ONLY the texts we have read thus far to expand your argument. DO NOT REFERENCE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES.

NOTE: The Similarity Checker in Moodle should NOT go above 25%, including the Works Cited page. If it does, you need to paraphrase more and use shorter quotes.

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*Your focus is LITERARY ANALYSIS. You need to engage in literary analysis of the texts specifically.

Your writing must show that you have properly met the standards of what I consider acceptable for an advanced composition literature course. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that your papers are proof-read before you hand them in. Use NetTutor and the grammar guides I placed in Moodle. You may also work with a tutor at the ECC Learning Center–click here for the schedule: (

Be sure to use properly-introduced and cited quotes from the text to support your argument. You must use proper MLA-compliant heading and style. Review the MLA style guides in Moodle.  You must create your own title for the paper. Do not call the assignment by the name of the text under discussion–for example, do not title your paper “The Cask of Amontillado.” The paper should have a clear thesis supported by the literature (minimum of 4-maximum of 6 direct quotations).

Again, the paper should be three pages in length, with an introduction–opening paragraphs with a thesis statement (including author and title of text), body paragraphs with properly cited quotes using standard MLA-style documentation, and a clear conclusion.

Do not wait until the last minute to submit your paper–that’s when computer issues, Internet problems, etc., arise–it is your responsibility to have your work in on time. No late papers will be accepted. You may turn in your paper early. You must submit your work as a Word document or PDF ONLY – DO NOT USE GOOGLE DOCS.

Again, you are being graded on the following:

Clear thesis statement, well-organized supporting points and conclusion
Cited adequately and correctly from the primary text
Demonstrated writing strength (sentence structure, spelling, grammar) appropriate to an advanced composition literature course
Proper use of MLA formatting style (per PDF guides in “Class Information”)
Plagiarism results in an “F” on the paper. A second instance of plagiarism results in automatic failure of the course.

YOU MAY NOT USE ANY outside sources. Inclusion of any material copied and pasted results in a failing grade. This includes: SparkNotes, CliffsNotes, ClassicNotes, Enotes, GradeSaver, or other student guides; also, do not use encyclopedias, dictionaries, Wikipedia, blogs, or sites which simply offer summaries. Further, do not use plagiarism sites such as 123HelpMe, Free Essays, or any other essays for sale type sites. Simply “re-wording” the works of any of these sites by substituting or changing adjectives or nouns constitutes plagiarism. All papers will be submitted using TurnItIn, which captures uncited sources and instances of plagiarism.

PLEASE NOTE: Simply re-wording summaries or analysis from another source constitutes plagiarismyour work must consist of YOUR OWN THOUGHTS AND WRITINGplease dont fail this course because of plagiarism. Make sure that you use quotation marks and that you give proper credit to the source if you are paraphrasing.

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and upload your paper through TurnItIn.

—— under this will be what i wrote before if you wanna use it.

In the beginning the narrator seemed like a good man saying that the old guy loves him and he never did anything wrong to him, and the narrator never looked at the old guys gold and thought about taking it; he respected him.  The narrator is insane because he got to the point that he wants to kill the old man because of his eyes, he said his eyes were like a vulture, they were pale blue.  He said that every time he looked at it, it made him cold and he feels like the blood going through his veins are cold.  Just because of the old man’s eyes he decided to kill him.  To me this is insane like the old man did not do anything to harm him that would make him want to kill him.  He did not want to kill him when his eyes were closed he wanted to see his eyes open when he is killing him and that is really insane.  Someone that wants to kill his victim when they are looking straight at him is a psychopath that has no emotions. 

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