
1) A two-part question:
-If you were living at the time of Jesus under Roman occupation, how might you have reacted to Jesus claiming that the Kingdom of God is here?
-I ask you to assume the voice of one of the global perspectives in this module and discuss the implications to that perspective of  Jesus claiming that the Kingdom of God is here. 

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2) Pick a parable that is important or meaningful to you and tell us why.

3) We looked at two portraits of the death of Jesus (in the Gospels of Mark and John).  Which one speaks better to American culture today? Why?

4) Do you see the variety and differences in the resurrection accounts as problems to be solved, as reasons to reject these accounts, or as evidence to support the resurrection? Why?
5) In my introductory video I talked about each Gospel having a three-part structure where the first part focuses on God as Creator, the second part focuses on human vocation in the Holy Spirit, and the final part (holy week) focuses on Jesus’ priestly work of sacrificing himself for the sin of the world. The Christian life can reflect this as there is a movement from reflecting on the foundation of faith to a vocation to forgiveness in Christ. How might this movement from beginning to middle to end as seen in the Gospels be applicable in concrete ways in the life of a Christian or even human beings generally?



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