What forces have been driving the increased internationalization of business? What are the various organizational situations in which an HR manager might be involved with aspects of internationalization?

Use each question as your subject header and respond to it as fully as possible, relating it to the course content and giving
an example from your current or prospective industry:
Discussion Questions
1 What forces have been driving the increased internationalization of business?
2 What are the various organizational situations in which an HR manager might be involved with aspects of internationalization?
3 What are the major differences between domestic and international HR?

Read Case Study 14.1: The Impact of HR on Innovation: A Six-Country Comparison (Global) on Page 455 or your textbook.
Respond to questions 3, 4, and 5 on Page 457 as fully as possible. (see attached)

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Reflection: this section goes separate from Journal section
Describe how the readings, assignments, activities, and discussions during Module 1 have affected your view of the importance of human resource management – and IHRM specifically – in your organization and industry.
Relate it to the course content and your current or prospective industry. (see attached the notes named; chapter 1, 2 and 14 to complete this section)

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